April is Women’s Eye Health Awareness Month
As women age, it is increasingly important to have regular eye exams to detect age-related eye diseases early. You can take these steps to care for and protect your eyes by:Getting a comprehensive dilated eye exam.Living a healthy lifestyle.Knowing your family healthy history.Using protective eyewear.Prevent … Continued
Win a Pair of Designer Sunglasses
At NC Eye Associate, we take pride in ensuring our patients have the best customer service and eye care possible. We provide our patients with the highest quality of vision care with our state-of-the-art equipment and advancing technologies. From changing … Continued
How to Prevent UV Eye Exposure During the Summer
UV Protection is so Important for Your EyesDid you know it’s just as imperative to shield your eyes from the sun’s damaging light as it is to protect your skin? The strong UV light of the sun can harm delicate … Continued
Dr. Michael Samuels Discusses Zenlens Scleral Lenses With ABB OPTICAL GROUP
Co-founder of NC Eye Associates and head optometrist at the Apex eye care location, Dr. Michael Samuels, OD was recently featured in ABB OPTICAL GROUP’s publication, The Profit Advisor. The following article is published in the First Quarter 2018 Edition … Continued
Things to Consider When Searching for an Optometrist
If you are in need of an optometrist, it is important to look for one that is going to meet all of your individual health needs. To that effect, know that all eye doctors should have received the same level … Continued
What Happens During a Contact Lens Exam
If you would like to improve your vision, call our clinic and schedule an appointment for a contact lens exam. Wearing contact lenses is an excellent way to begin to see the world around you clearly. With so many options … Continued
Signs You Need Prescription Glasses
If you have difficulty seeing as clearly as in the past, visit our clinic for an eye examination. You may benefit from wearing prescription glasses. Over time, the eyes change. With the number of electronic devices that people use on a … Continued
What is Involved in a Diabetic Eye Exam
If you have diabetes, call our clinic to schedule a diabetic eye exam. We perform them on a regular basis to ensure that there are no significant changes to the eyes. As with anything, early detection and treatment are important … Continued
The Importance of Retinal Imaging During the Comprehensive Exam
Patients are beginning to realize that it is important to have a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year. By scheduling an exam annually, patients have found that they can catch and manage the early onset of many different eye … Continued
Reasons To Get An Eye Exam
It is important to get an annual comprehensive eye exam to detect any eye problems when they are most treatable, in the earliest stages. During this comprehensive exam, the optometrist is not only going to work to see if one's … Continued